Query Object in Ruby on Rails

Alex Kuznetsov
Flatstack Thoughts
Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2016


Database queries are common when you develop web applications. Ruby on Rails is a core web framework that we use at Flatstack — and its ActiveRecord liberates you from writing tons of boilerplate SQL code and results in creation of elegant, eloquent queries in plain Ruby.

But plenty of immense possibilities that Ruby and ActiveRecord provide, unfortunately, remain unused. I bet that often you see a lot of enormous scopes in Ruby on Rails models, endless chains of queries in controllers and even bulky chunks of raw SQL.

Bad cases of using ActiveRecord queries

These poor practices may create obstacles and become a reason of developer’s headaches in the real-world web applications.

Typical DB queries application problems:

  • Big pieces of queries code in controllers/models/services mess up your code
  • It is hard to understand complex database requests
  • Inserts of raw SQL are non-consistent and often mix with ActiveRecord queries
  • Testing one separate query in isolation is very problematic
  • It is difficult to compose, extend or inherit queries
  • Often Single Responsibility Principle gets violated


These problems can be solved by using Query Object pattern — a common technique that isolates your complex queries.

Query Object in ideal case is a separate class that contains one specific query that implements just one business logic rule.


For most of the cases Query Object is PORO that accepts relation in constructor and defines queries named like an ActiveRecord common methods:

Query Object implementation and usage in controller

HEREDOC syntax for raw SQL:

For the cases where you desperately need to use raw SQL code try to isolate it using Ruby’s HEREDOC syntax:

Extending scope:

If your scope relates to existing QueryObject, you can easily extend its relation instead of cluttering up your models. ActiveRecord::QueryMethods.extending method will help you:

Extending scope for Query Objects relations

Composing Query Objects:

Query Objects should be devised to support composition with other Query Objects and other ActiveRecord relations. In the example below two composed Query Objects represent one SQL query:

Composing two Query Objects

Inheritance of Query Objects:

If you have similar queries you may want them to be inherited to reduce repetition and follow DRY principle:

Inheritance of Query Objects

Testing Query Objects:

Query Objects should be designed to be pleasant for testing. In most cases you just need to test core methods defined in query for their results:


Good Query Object:

  • Follows Single Responsibility Principle
  • Can be easily tested in isolation
  • Can be combined/extended with another Query Object
  • Can be effortlessly reused in any other parts of an application
  • Returns ActiveRecord::Relation, not Array
  • Represents only database query, not business logic or action
  • Methods of Query Object are named like ActiveRecord methods (all, last, count, etc)

Use Query Objects when:

  • You need to reuse one query in multiple places of application
  • You need to extend, compose or inherit queries and their relations
  • You need to write a lot of raw SQL, but don’t want to mess up your code
  • Your query is too complex / vast for just one method or scope
  • Your query causes feature envy

Don’t use Query Objects when:

  • Your query is simple enough for just one method or scope
  • You don’t need to extend, compose or inherit your query
  • Your query is unique and you don’t want to make it reusable

I hope this article will help you to build awesome queries in your applications.

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